This is a new planting plan for the original garden bed in the front yard. The bed was created by the previous owners and was filled with great plants. The right half was planted with bearded iris that had stopped flowering and needed to be divided. Given that it meant tearing up the bed I decided that I needed a design.
My first step was to measure the area to create its outline on a drawing. I was surprised by how symmetrical the bed is. The previous owners did an excellent job in its construction. Two years ago I removed some non-performing shrubs on the left side and planted two David Austin own root cuttings that I had made. As this bed is prime rose territory and I continue to propagate my favourite roses, I decided to fill this bed with roses, shown as large white circles above.
I then plotted one foot circles around the roses to mark the spaces for perennial plants. Using the palette of plants I already have I used colours to indicate which plant goes where. The planting is very symmetrical with lots of repetition. Creating the drawing was the easy part.
As August is the recommended time for dividing iris, I dove in even though this is the wrong time to move anything else. I only dug where necessary and tried my best to salvage everything. I ended up with a large number of surplus irises and spread them around the other front beds.
We continue to have hot, dry weather and I am chomping at the bit to continue the replanting, but I know better and impatiently wait for rain. We are flying to Ottawa on October 4 to visit my sister, and to Mexico October 12 for five months. With so much to do in the garden I am feeling the pressure already.