Septic Field Renewal Cont’d

Finally, after eight weeks, the workers arrived to install a new septic field. That’s a pretty cool excavator and it just fits the paths in the garden.

This shows the first run. The pipes run through plastic sections that prevent the invasion of tree roots. At the right end is the new distribution box. Today they covered this trench leaving a pile of excess dirt and lots of rocks, large and small. They had to leave early so I spent the afternoon moving the dirt around the yard and piling the rocks for future use. Tomorrow they return to install two more runs, one short and one long.

They finished digging, installing, and covering the two additional septic runs. This is how they left the yard. All in all they did a good job of protecting the gardens. Not happy with the look of the D box and it doesn’t smell very nice. I’m going to install some sort of access box. There is a pile of excess dirt for me to deal with as well as many piles of rocks of various sizes.