I have just discovered the BBC program called Gardeners’ World. The English have been passionate about gardening for centuries and the show exudes traditional English garden culture. Here is a good place to find episodes. Watching will be an enjoyable pastime during the rainy season here in Garden Bay as we won’t be going back to Guanajuato until vaccinated against COVID-19.
I have been spending a lot of time in my gardens this year. I have been a gardener every since I bought a house in North Vancouver (1992). It was a serious hobby back then but I am upping my game. This year I have started to propagate roses by cuttings and I’m going try planting open-pollinated rose seeds to see what appears. The new front garden beds are filling up with perennial seedlings sown this summer. It will be fun next year arranging all that once I discover what is what.
My gardens are quite full of plants and they have good structure. But after watching Gardener’s World I see lots of room for even more plants, colour, interest, and creativity. I’m becoming a full-time gardener.